Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Design & Technology

Design Technology helps us to develop as reflective learners, as we work through the design process.


Through Design Technology, we are able to work collaboratively to solve problems and find solutions, teaching us to deal with uncertainty whilst developing communication, organisational and other practical life skills.


In Design Technology, we learn to appreciate the needs of others, the built environment and the likely impact of future technologies.

Our Approach


We deliver the requirements set out in the EYFS framework and National Curriculum through the Dimensions  ‘Learning means the World’ programme, We use a thematic approach, whilst maintaining the rigour of the Design Technology disciplines. 



Through 'Learning Means the World', the sequencing of Design Technology is planned using the triangulation of three elements:-


  • The National Curriculum / EYFS framework
  • Knowledge Building Pillars and Cognitive Blocks
  • The Skills Ladder


The Design Technology learning within themes is designed to enable pupils to build on and contextualise prior learning using a contemporary, meaningful framework.


The Skills Ladder acts as an incremental model for skills acquisition and provides a benchmark for each year group, with teachers using the skills statements as a model for progression throughout the school. Growing in complexity and demand across Key Stages 1 and 2, pupils’ learning when linked to the Skills Ladder enables pupils to make good progress in their learning.


The Knowledge Building Pillars form a robust model of progression for knowledge and understanding, helping pupils to assimilate, synthesise and apply their learning within different contexts. This means that concepts are cumulatively built upon. 

What Does Design Technology Look Like?


Design Technology is taught both through Skills Development Tasks and through design projects. Our curriculum overview,  long term planning and progression documents map out which thematic units feature this subject and clearly show the objectives taught.


Design Technology is taught through a combination of subject knowledge, skill building and design and make projects. Food technology is also taught through thematic units and our 3D PSHE programme. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.


What do we learn in Design Technology?

We learn about:-






Cooking and Nutrition



We also complete design technology projects in each phase for specified clients e.g. the pirate, the evil genius; allowing pupils the opportunity to both experiment and apply their knowledge and skills.

How Can I Support My Child's Learning?


Here is a suggestion of ideas that you may find helpful in supporting your child/ren learning Design Technology
