Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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What does Science look like?

Science is taught through thematic units. The Curriculum overview and long term planning documents demonstrate which thematic units feature Science and the objectives taught.


Science is taught through working scientifically (involving practical investigation, observation and application skills, enquiry and research) alongside specific taught knowledge. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom. 


During lessons, children participate in a wide range of activities that are practical, relevant, collaborative and engaging and build on their prior knowledge from previous years. We aim to give them an understanding of scientific concepts and processes. This includes asking questions, discussing, predicting and planning investigations as well as methods of recording, interpreting and evaluating findings


During their time at Colham Manor, pupils learn about:

plants, animals (including humans), materials, seasonal changes, living things and their habitats, light and heat, forces and magnets, sound, electricity, Earth and space, evolution and inheritance, movement.


Our Science curriculum makes a profound and positive impact on the outcomes of every child. The structure of our thematic approach enables us to return to core knowledge and skills throughout, embedding key practises and understanding. Our teachers rely on a range of assessment tools to provide data on the knowledge and skills pupils have, their progress and their development points which includes:

· formative assessment during lessons
· challenge tasks
· record of learning in floor-books
· pupil voice


