Colham Manor

Primary School

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Visits & Workshops

Year 5 and 6 English: working with author Malorie Blackman.


In February, 30 pupils from year 5 and 6 went to the British Library to a live-streamed event where Malorie Blackman and Dapo Adeola answered questions about life as an author and illustrator.

It was amazing to see an author up close and personal and inspired all of us to get writing.

 “I found it really interesting because I like reading books and I haven’t met an author in real life so it was an inspirational opportunity.” Mya, 6 Zephaniah.

“I think it was a great experience to see a real-life author share things that she has been through.” Christine, 6 Churchill.


At the beginning of December, year 5 also had the opportunity to visit a new exhibition at the British Library: Malorie Blackman, The Power of Stories. 

We had used “Robot Girl” by Malorie Blackman at the beginning of the year and were excited to find more out about the author. We were led around the exhibition by a poet and were able to explore interactive artefacts, compete in an information hunt and listen to a story by the fireplace!

“I liked that we got to go to The British Library, I learnt that Malorie Blackman got 82 rejection letters and that her parents didn’t let her read fiction stories because they thought they were silly and a waste of time.” Gracie, 5 Mandela.

“I really liked that we got to listen to a book by Malorie Blackman and I liked how we were allowed to go into different stations and learn about new things. It was a really fun time and I would go again.” Zayn, 5 Shakespeare.


Year 3 English: Roald Dahl Day 


As year 3 came to the end of their learning using ‘The BFG’ by Roald Dahl, they were fortunate to have the opportunity to take part a whole day of activities relating to the text.  In January, the Year 3 children took part in a workshop run by the Roald Dahl Museum in Aylesbury.  They were shown around the museum and then created their own characters that could be placed into the text itself.  Next, they moved onto the food workshop where they created Frobscottle drinks and Snozzcumber sandwiches.  Finally, Mrs Allen ran a drama workshop where the children acted out part of the story using props and costumes.

“It was really fun, I liked making the Frobscottle drink and the Snozzcumber sandwiches. I didn’t like the sandwiches but I did like the drink, it was sour and sweet at the same time.” Daisy, 3 Earhart.

“It was very fun; the workshop was interesting and exciting.” Teddy, 3 Earhart.


Year 2 English: Water Aid workshop


In February, children in year 2 were visited by the charity Water Aid to support them with their understanding of their new text “We are Water Protectors” by Carole Lindstrom. The workshop informed the children about how the charity raises money to build wells and clean water systems for third world countries.

The children got to learn all about the importance of clean water and how some people around the world have limited or no access to clean water. 

“They talked about how people live with dirty water and told us how to make their lives better if they have clean water.” Hassan, 2 Teresa.

“Children are getting poorly because there’s no other choices. We can help by building taps.” Monae, 2 Teresa.


Year 1 English: Local Library Visits


To promote reading for pleasure for our young readers, we encourage them to experience and explore reading opportunities outside of the school environment, Our reading advocates support our families to join our local Hillingdon library where the children have taken part in story time sessions and had the opportunity to explore books together.


Year 1 History: The Natural History Museum


In history, Year 1 children have been learning about the inspirational story of Mary Anning who is famous for being the greatest fossil finder of her era, powerfully influencing the new science of palaeontology. The children travelled to the Natural History Museum and were excited to view and learn more about the actual fossils she discovered including her Ichthyosaur, Plesiosaur and Pterosaur!


Miss Dhillon, Year 1 teacher, said: “The children were fascinated by their surroundings in the amazing environment of the Natural History Museum. They were totally absorbed by the different artefacts that they saw.”


“My best bit of the trip was seeing the real fossil that Mary Anning found! It’s a lot bigger than I thought! (Juahn, 1 Parks)”


It was a brilliant visit and a great way to round-off this term’s history learning.

