Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Parents as Partners



Role of EYFS Families 


We believe that all parents play a vital role in the education of their child. They know best how their child learns, what comes naturally to them and in which areas they need more support. All staff value time to discuss individual children with their parents. We do this through:

  • Inviting all parents to an induction meeting before their child starts in Nursery or Reception
  • Giving children and parents the opportunity to spend time with their new teachers in the new classroom before starting school
  • Staff are available before and after school if parents need to discuss anything
  • Staff actively and regularly give positive feedback and ideas for supporting children at home through workshops and drop in sessions at school
  • Parents are invited to parents evening meetings
  • Our Seesaw Learning Journeys are shared with parents. Parents are able to both access and comment on observations made at school, as well as upload their own observations of home learning and experiences.


Please scroll down to explore how you can support your child's development from home! 

