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Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Starting School and Transition


We know that starting school is a very exciting time for children, but for some it may also be daunting, and not just for the children but for their parents/carers too.


We have put together some helpful resources to share with your child in the lead up to them joining Colham Manor Primary School so please do explore below.


Furthermore, we have collated some of our favourite books to read with your child in order to support their transition into or at school.


Lulu’s First Day - Anna McQuinn

When a Dragon Goes to School - Caryl Hart

I am Absolutely Too Small for School - Lauren Child

Meesha Makes Friends - Tom Percival

Please also see our 'Parents as Partners' tab below to explore how we can work together to help your child Aspire, Achieve, Thrive!
