Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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"Pupils’ needs, whether physical, emotional, behavioural or academic, are met extremely well. Pupils who are most in need are given extremely helpful support, suited to their needs. The school works in highly effective partnership with external agencies to help those who require support." 

                                                                                              OFSTED 2019

Colham Manor Primary School works inclusively with our families to maximize the learning potential of all children in our community. Pupils with SEND are valued members of our school community and every effort is made to support their individual needs.


We believe that all children should be equally valued with suitable learning challenges set. All staff will respond to pupils' diverse needs and strive to overcome potential barriers to learning for individuals and groups of children. At Colham Manor, every teacher is a teacher of all children including those with SEND.


Please find below our school annual SEND report which explains our school offer:

The curriculum on offer to SEND pupils focuses on the individual learner with the graduated approach used to personalise and deliver meaningful learning.


More information on what this looks like at Colham Manor can be find in the policies below:

If further information is required parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their child's class teacher in the first instance. If further support is needed for pupils with SEND, then this can be obtained by contacting the SENDco. 

As a school, we feel that it is important to work with external agencies.  They provide both parents and staff with key pieces of information.  Please find below some of the general advice provided to parents.


The London Borough of Hillingdon's local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers. It allows families to see what they can expect from a range of local agencies and how to access them. You can find this information here:
