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Learning Means The World

Learning Means the World

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   The 4C's          

At the forefront of our ‘Learning Means the World’ curriculum are four world issues centred around the 4Cs of Communication, Conflict, Conservation and Culture.




Communication is the foundation of all human relationships and aff­ects all aspects of our lives. It spreads knowledge and information across cultures, countries and generations. With more means of communication than ever, there are now even more ways to be misunderstood than ever. Having good communication skills involves being aware of both sender and receiver. Pupils need to learn how to communicate clearly and positively, using verbal and non-verbal skills to get their ideas and feelings across, to receive other people’s messages and to resolve conflict.


By the end of Year 6, pupils will be able to communicate in ways that build and maintain positive relationships through focused listening, confident speaking, sharing ideas and explaining clearly. They will know how communication has developed through time and the chronology of technology, now our current main means of communicating. They will also learn how to communicate in an assertive way, avoiding conflict through mutual respect.






Poverty and political, social, and economic inequalities between groups predispose them to confl­ict. Eight out of 10 of the world's poorest countries are suffering, or have recently suffered, from large scale violent confl­ict. Wars in developing countries have heavy human, economic, and social costs and are a major cause of poverty and underdevelopment. Understanding world history would be impossible without understanding the confl­icts that have shaped it. Pupils need to learn how to handle disagreements constructively and resolve their differences without yelling and screaming, ignoring and sulking, whining and moaning or resorting to violence. Confl­ict can be seen as an opportunity for learning about and understanding our differences.


By the end of Year 6, pupils will be able to define conflict and explain the key reasons as to why conflict exists. They will also be able to give specific examples of conflict both past and present on a local, national and global scale. On a personal level, they will learn how to handle disagreements constructively and resolve their differences peaceably.






The population of human beings has grown enormously in the past two centuries and billions of people use up resources quickly. It’s normal to feel powerless when faced with the enormity of world conservation issues, but pupils need to know that small actions can make a big diff­erence.


By the end of Year 6, pupils will be able to define conservation, outline key areas e.g. biodiversity and understand why it is such an important world issue.  They will learn how we can live more sustainably, understanding the importance of natural resources and renewable energy. On a personal level, they will learn how they can make a difference by reducing their carbon footprint and behaving in a more environmentally responsible way.






Cultures evolve continuously, as people interact with one another, producing an intermingling of values, and material ways of life. Our communities are becoming increasingly diverse, creating a fusion of people of many religions, languages, economic and cultural groups. An understanding and appreciation of, and establishing relationships with people from, other cultures is vital in building and maintaining successful communities. An appreciation of cultural diversity goes hand-in-hand with a just and equitable society and helps to overcome and prevent racial and ethnic divisions. Pupils need to learn how culture a­ffects perception, influences behaviour and shapes personalities.


By the end of Year 6, pupils will be able to define and identify the characteristic features of culture and understand why cultural diversity is important. they will be able to talk about the features of a range of different cultures from around the world, explaining some of the similarities and differences. They will also learn how culture affects perception and influences behaviour. 





Our Learning Means The World Mascot's

Rationale for Studying the 4 Core World Issues
