Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Our Approach


At Colham Manor we believe that Computing has become an integral part of modern society, revolutionising the way we live. It is ever-present and as a result, we take a cross-curricular approach and deliver our computing curriculum through the thematic 'Dimensions: Learning Means the World' scheme of work. We also incorporate the disciplinary knowledge and skills of computing into other areas of the curriculum e.g. children being able to record a podcast or video broadcast of a history report recalling knowledge and skills learned in English, using the Audacity App.


To help us deliver the minimum requirements set out in the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum, all pupils joining us from Nursery through to Year 2 have access to their own account on Seesaw. In Key Stage 2, children have access to Google Classroom. These platforms are used to support learning in class and at home. Families can access and view the activities, knowledge and skills children have been learning and there is opportunity for two-way dialogue between home and school. Each child’s Seesaw login QR code or Google Classroom login will be sent home with them in September or when starting at our school.


We are fully resourced for Computing. Nursery and Reception have access to Seesaw profiles via tablets; pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have access to Chromebooks and laptops that support the teaching of computing and can be used to enhance all areas of the curriculum.

