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Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Nursery 2024-2025

Nursery 2024-2025

If you have a child turning 3, we would love to welcome them to our Nursery!


Our early years provision is a lovely place for your child to grow, develop, learn and make friends. Please do get in touch with us if you would like more information


Phone 01895 442879



We offer 15, 20 and 30 and 35 hour provisions, including options for lunches and wrap around care!


Children become eligible for a Nursery place the term after their 3rd birthday based on guidelines established by the DfE (below):


Child’s Birth Date

  Admission to Nursery (if space exists)

1 September - 31 December


1 January - 31 March


1 April - 31 August



Applications can be completed via our school website. If you are experiencing any trouble completing or finding this, you can email the school to request guidance. 


Applications must be received before applications close for the term of entry.  See the below chart for the application windows.  Applications received after this date will only be considered if there are spaces available for the next entry date.


All applicants will receive an email during the notification period below, informing them of whether they have a Nursery place.  There will only be intakes in January and April if the school has capacity (staffing, ratios, etc). 

Application Windows will be based on the following dates:


Term of Entry

Application Closes

Notification of Application Decision


End of Spring Term (mid April)

Summer 1 (June)


End of Summer (end of August)

Autumn 1 (October)


End of Autumn (end of December)

Spring 1 (January)



Please explore our virtual welcome presentation for parents for your child’s start to Nursery. 


Working Parents: You might qualify for childcare vouchers, tax free childcare, or 30 hours of free childcare.  Please check to find out more!


Please click our link below to take you to our Admissions and Application page. 
