Safeguarding for School Visitors
Visitors and Volunteers
- All visitors/volunteers must sign in at the front office
- All visitors/volunteers will be issued with an appropriate pass which must be displayed at all times whilst on site
- Visitors/volunteers will be asked to remain under the supervision of a designated member of staff whilst on site
- If there is a fire alarm or serious incident alarm, visitors/volunteers should follow the directions of the teacher in charge or leave the building via the nearest exit. They must not return to the building on any account unless directed
- Visitors/volunteers must not use or have on show a smart phone or camera
- Visitors/volunteers should not be left alone with any children at any time unless the school has received and kept a copy of their DBS check. Passes with green lanyards indicate a person who has been DBS checked and may be left alone with pupils. Passes with red lanyards indicate a person who should not be left alone, unsupervised, with children
- Visitors/volunteers should understand the need to maintain the confidentiality of pupils and should not share information about pupils or staff in any way – including social media
- If a visitor/volunteer has safeguarding concerns relating to the physical, social or emotional safety of a child they should immediately share these with the class teacher or a member of the safeguarding team. You could ask the school office to contact one of these members of staff
- If a child discloses information relating to their physical, emotional or social wellbeing please report immediately to the class teacher or a member of the safeguarding team. Please do not question the children – this is a specialised role and could compromise court proceedings at a later date
- Visitors/volunteers must sign out at the front office and return their visitor pass
A full copy of the school’s safeguarding policy is available on the school website or via the school office