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Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Our School Day


8:30 - 11:30          15 hours free

8:30 - 12:30          15 hours free + 5 hours

8:30 - 2:30            30 hour code

8:30 - 3:30            30 hour code + 5 hours


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:

8:30                     Soft start + free cereal 

8:40                     School starts

3:10                     School finishes


Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6:

8:40                     Soft start + free cereal 

8:50                     School starts

3:20                     School finishes


Children attend for for a total of 32.5 hours per week




Dropping Off & Collecting Children

Please make sure that your child arrives and is collected from school on time. Punctuality is essential.  If your child arrives late the whole class can be disrupted and it could unsettle your child and others in the class.  In the unlikely event you are late you must register your child via the screen at the school office. 


If you are unable to meet your child at the end of the day, please email the school as soon as possible to let us know who will be collecting them or how late you are likely to be.  No child will be left unsupervised at the end of the day.   

Children not collected from school on time are taken to our Tea Time Crew and parents/carers will be charged for this.  A log is kept of all children who regularly arrive late and are collected late.  This is shared and discussed with the Local Authority Educational Welfare Officer on a half-termly basis.


No child is allowed to leave the school grounds without an adult. Children in Years 5 & 6

will only be permitted to walk home alone if you have provided written via email consent to the school office.
