Regular attendance and punctuality is paramount to our children reaching their full potential and making the most of the educational opportunities which the school offers them. Missing school means missing out. That is why at Colham Manor we pay meticulous attention to our children’s attendance and expect all children to attend on time and ready to learn, every day the school is open, unless the reason for absence is unavoidable.
It is the parents’ legal responsibility to make sure that their child attends school regularly and failure to do so may result in prosecution. Every absence must be categorised by the school and therefore we ask parents to notify the school of all absences by 9.30am, or as soon as practically possible either by:
- Calling the school office 01895 442 879 and leaving a message on the attendance line (option 1)
- Emailing
Unless in exceptional circumstances, we do not authorise any term time absences. Please refer to our Attendance Policy for further details.
To request time off during term time for exceptional circumstances, please email Carly Rissen (Headteacher) via