Religious Education (RE)
The purpose of Religious Education at Colham Manor is underpinned by the Agreed Syllabus and the National Curriculum. The four purposes are: –
- To establish an entitlement for all pupils irrespective of social background, culture, race, religion, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. This entitlement contributes to their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes. These are necessary for pupils’ self-fulfilment and development as active and responsible citizens.
- To establish standards by setting out expectations for learning and attainment. To use these standards to support assessment and set targets for improvement.
- To promote continuity and coherence by providing a curriculum that provides a foundation for lifelong learning.
- To promote public understanding of the work schools do in Religious Education. Encouraging those who are interested to participate in enriching the provision of Religious Education.
The aim of Religious Education at Colham Manor is to help children and young people to learn about and learn from religious and spiritual insights, beliefs, and practices.
Our Approach
Colham Manor follow the Hillingdon Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in accordance with Hillingdon’s ‘Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education’ (SACRE). This ensures all the main religions represented in our borough are present and non-religious views are represented through Humanism.
In accordance with the agreed syllabus, Religious Education at Colham Manor Primary School ensures that children:
- Celebrate the breadth of diversity within their local community.
- Respect and understand their own beliefs as well as those of others.
- Contribute actively to family life and to their communities.
- Can articulate and appreciate their beliefs and cultures
- Understand how these beliefs and cultures have an impact on individuals, local communities, and wider society.
What RE Looks Like
The RE curriculum is delivered at least once a week every other half term for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. For information on how this fits into our Early Years, click: EYFS Curriculum
Teachers use high-quality texts and resources which model the religious and non-religious beliefs of Great Britain, in accordance with the school’s British Values Policy.
Teachers encourage pupils to discuss topics covered in RE with their peers and as a whole class. During RE lessons, sufficient time is given for pupils to discuss, plan, edit and revise their work.
To improve understanding of the topic, several methods of teaching are deployed, including but not limited to:
Teacher-led activities
Pupil initiated activities
Dramatic performance
To improve communication and language in the classroom, teachers will encourage pupils’:
Organisation, clarification and sequencing of thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Development of their own narratives in relation to the stories they hear in lessons.
Exploration of their feelings and emotions towards set narratives.
In addition, we mark religious festivals and provide opportunities for children to celebrate and share significant events which are marked through whole school assemblies. Visits to places of worship contribute to a holistic approach of providing opportunities to children to experience all religious dimensions.
As children progress through the programme of study, they are able to look deeper into spiritual, ethical, moral and social issues and with increasing breadth across different religions and worldviews through time and around the world.
How Can I Support My Child's Learning?
The big questions of life surrounding religion, spirituality, and philosophy are hot topics! Whether you hold a religious or non-religious worldview it is important to discuss matters relating to values, attitudes, purpose and meaning with your children. Below are some resources you may find useful to support this: