Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Governing Body

The Governing Body at Colham Manor Primary School is made up of individuals who have taken a keen interest in the school.  Governors work closely with the Headteacher and senior staff and duties include:

  • agreeing policies
  • monitoring the school’s results
  • agreeing budgets and financial arrangements
  • acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the school's leadership.

Governors take into account the views of parents, carers and children, and collectively work to ensure that children at Colham Manor get the best education possible.

Governing Body meetings are scheduled throughout the school year. In order to fulfill some of our duties, we divide into sub-committees. Current sub committees for 2023/24 are:

  • ​Curriculum & Achievements Committee
  • Finance, Premises & Personnel Committee

Committee meetings are held on a termly basis.


Governors do not manage the school – that is the role of the Headteacher.  The Governors aim to support her in doing this but do not shy away from being a ‘critical friend’ and asking searching questions.


Governors are responsible for the strategic vision of the school and for supporting the Headteacher and her staff in achieving that vision.  Governors have responsibility for appointing the Headteacher, managing the school’s budget, setting annual targets and monitoring performance against those targets, all in the interest of raising standards of achievement.  In addition to these statutory responsibilities, governors monitor the impact of policies and do a wide variety of other things, either through formal committee activity or through personal involvement with the day-to-day life of the school.


The Governing Body may also be called upon to consider complaints from parents.

The Chair of Governors and Clerk to the Governors can be contacted via the school office on 01895442879.

Governor NameCategory/ Appointed byDate of AppointmentTerm of Office RolesDisclosure of Interests
Nisha Sankrecha - MistryCo-opted/ Appointed by GB19/10/202119/10/2021 - 18/10/2025

Chair of Governors 

Pupil premium link governor

Safeguarding link governor

Attendance and behaviour link governor

No interests declared
Sarbjit Nijjar Co-opted/ Appointed by GB20/03/201922/03/2023 - 21/03/2027

Vice Chair of Governors 

Chair of C&A Committee

English link governor

Interests declared
Dimitra BalatsouCo-opted/ Appointed by GB23/05/202323/05/2023 - 22/05/2027

Chair of F&P Committee

EYFS link governor

No interests declared
Richard Perry Co-opted/ Appointed by GB14/06/202214/06/2022 - 13/06/2026Maths link governor No interests declared
Asma AslamParent/ Elected by parents12/05/202312/05/2023 - 11/05/2027

Science link governor 

Health and safety link governor

No interested declared
Sheree EleyParent/ Elected by parents02/11/202102/11/2021 - 01/11/2025SEND link governor No interests declared
Lisa NoelStaff/ Elected by staff09/11/202209/11/2022 - 08/11/2026Wellbeing link governorInterests declared
Carly Rissen Headteacher Ex-officio  
VACANCY Co-opted     

