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Colham Manor

Primary School

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What does RSE Look Like?

The relationships and sex curriculum will be delivered as part of our PSHE curriculum. We ensure that keeping children safe and preventative education remain at the heart of PSHE subjects. Sex education will be delivered through the science curriculum and the PSHE curriculum.

Relationships education per year group:


Nursery and Reception 

Managing Self


Building Relationships


Year 1

Autumn 2 – Safe Zone (Self Image and Identity)

Spring 2 – Keeping Safe (Personal Safety)

Summer 1 – Family and Friends

Summer 2 – Relationships (taught through Discovery Education)


Year 2

Autumn 1 – Keeping Safe (Personal Safety), Self Image & Identity

Autumn 2 – Online Relationships

Spring 2 – Changing and Growing

Summer 1 – Relationships (taught through Discovery Education)


Year 3

Autumn 1 – Healthy Relationships, Self Image & Identity

Spring 1 – Online Relationships

Summer 1 – Growing and Changing, First Aid

Summer 2 – Healthy Relationships (taught through Discovery Education)


Year 4

Autumn 1 – Online Safety, Online Relationships

Spring 2 – Self Image & Identity

Summer 2 – Healthy Relationships (taught through Discovery Education)


Year 5)

Autumn 2 – Healthy Relationships, Safety (Drugs and Alcohol), Self Image & Identity

Spring 1 – Safety (Tobacco & Substance Misuse)

Spring 2 – Puberty (Compulsory content)

Summer 1 – Healthy Relationships

Summer 1 – Healthy Relationships (taught through Discovery Education)

Summer 2 – Safety – First Ait, Online Relationships, Substance Abuse


Year 6

Autumn 1 – Online Safety

Autumn 2 – Online Relationships

Spring 1 – Self Image & Identity

Spring 2 – Healthy Relationships

Summer 1 – Healthy Relationships

Summer 1 – Extremism and Radicalisation

Summer 2 – Sex Education (taught through Discovery Education)



Health education per year group


Nursery and Reception 

Managing Self


Building Relationships


Year 1

Spring 1 – Hygiene

Spring 1 – Healthy Lifestyles


Year 2

Spring 1 – Hygiene

Spring 2 – Healthy Lifestyles

Summer 1 – Hygiene


Year 3

Spring 2 – Healthy Lifestyles

Summer 1 – First Aid, Healthy Lifestyles

Summer 2 – Healthy Lifestyles


Year 4

Autumn 2 – Healthy Lifestyles


Year 5)

Spring 2 – Health, Healthy Lifestyles

Summer 2 – Safety – First Aid, Substance Abuse


Year 6

Spring 1 – Health

Spring 2 – Health, Healthy Lifestyles



Sex education


All pupils must be taught the aspects of sex education outlined in the primary science curriculum. Parents are fully consulted in the organisation and delivery of our sex education curriculum. The age and development of pupils is always considered when delivering sex education.


Nursery and Reception 

Managing Self


Building Relationships



Animals including Humans (Science): 

notice that humans and other animals can produce offspring 

identify basic human body parts


Lower KS2:

Plants (Science):

  • explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal


Upper KS2:

Living things and their habitats (Science):

  • describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
  • describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals


Animals including humans (Science):

  • describe the changes as humans develop to old age


Evolution and Inheritance (Science):

  • recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents


Year 5: Puberty 

Year 6: Sex education
