Early Years Pupil Premium
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
Early Years settings receive the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) for each child they have that meets the criteria set by the Government.
We want the children from disadvantaged backgrounds to experience the same opportunities and experiences as children who aren’t. Their backgrounds should not be a barrier to this. In addition, they should achieve as well as other children. In order to do this, we identify our children’s barriers to learning and work on the challenges they face to help support a successful school experience that promotes lifelong learning and enjoyment.
Current assessments show that the key challenges here at Colham Manor Primary School are:
- Language development and vocabulary
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Motor development leading to writing delayed writing development
Intended Outcomes
- Children will be able to manage their own feelings in interactions with others.
- Children will be able to follow routines in preparation for their next phase.
- Motor development will improve ready for the next stage in the child’s development.
We will endeavour to support our disadvantaged children achieving these outcomes by;
- continuing to improve the quality of our setting
- training staff to be more able to support children with specific barriers to their learning
- provide resources and interventions
- improving staff member's qualifications
- joining with other settings to access training/resources