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Colham Manor

Primary School

Aspire, Achieve, Thrive

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Enrichment in the EYFS

To support the enhancement of our EYFS Curriculum and promote a dynamic and engaging learning environment that supports each child's development, we ensure we provide plenty of enrichment opportunities. Please take a look below to see what we've been up to!

EYFS Disco's!

Visits to Colham Manor Children's Centre

Autumn Walks!

Little City came to visit!

Transition - visiting our new playground!

Good luck in Reception!

Minibeast hunts!

Danny Crouch (Olympic Gymnast) visit

Incredible Eggs visit!

Christmas lunch!

EYFS Christmas Pantomime!

Receptions Christmas Show!

Exploring transport!

We had a character visit from the library!

A chat with Catherine Elizabeth, Princess of Wales!

Learning about different hobbies!

Firework night!

Year R Graduation!

A response from the Lady in Waiting!

People who help us!

Water fights in the heat!

Planting for cleaner air with Tree's for Cities & Ecosia!

A visit from the Prime Minister!

Easter bonnet making!

Exploring the snow!
